Our server was founded by experience roleplayers, who's aim is to bring you realistic roleplay! what we offer: A realistic CAD/MDT County/City Hall LEU Division server Realistic California Penal Codes California Highway Patrol Blaine County Sheriffs Office Los Angeles Police Department we are partnered with two servers, a gaming server and also a business server, they work to support us and our server as well as you! so why not join today?
Hi I'm Tokens
Well, hello there i'm Tokens the founder of CADRP.
I made the server with the intention to learn, have fun and further my knowledge.
I'm 15 years old and i'm from the UK.
I would like to be a Police Officer when i leave school and believe it or not this is helping tremendously with that, Im learning disipline and work ethic and it couldnt be a better why to start that journey.